
Safeguarding Adults and Children – Online Training Course – CPD Accredited

Original price was: £ 39.99.Current price is: £ 24.99.

The overall aim of this online Safeguarding Adults and Children training course is to improve awareness and knowledge relating to the safeguarding of vulnerable adults at risk, particularly in health care and social care settings.


Safeguarding Adults and Children | Level 2 | Online Training Course | CPDUK Accredited | Instant Course Access | Includes Assessment & Certificate | Instant Certificate Download.


Welcome to our online Safeguarding Adults and Children training course for healthcare and social care providers. These online safeguarding children and adults training course are aligned to the UK Core Skills Training Framework (CSTF).

Certificate duration: 2 years

Entry requirements: No entry restrictions

Recommended prerequisites: N/A

Assessment type: End of course assessment

Assessment pass mark – 80% needed to pass and gain a CPD certificate

Cost(s) of assessment and certification – All costs included in the course price

Awarding/Accrediting body – CPD Certification Service (CPDUK)

Who is the course for?

This online Safeguarding Adults and Children training course should be completed by those who work in health and social care services, including:

  • NHS medical, nursing, AHP and care staff
  • Locum doctors and nurses
  • Locum allied health professionals (AHPs)
  • Agency nurses
  • Agency workers
  • Healthcare assistants
  • Support workers
  • Care assistants
  • Community services.

What is covered in this course?

The safeguarding vulnerable adult’s e-learning course covers the following:

  • Introduction to the safeguarding of adults
  • The Care Act 2014
  • Lessons from reviews
  • Reducing the risk of abuse
  • Disclosure of abuse
  • Nothing about me without me
  • Making safeguarding personal
  • Mental capacity act
  • Deprivation of liberty standards (DoLS)
  • Restraint (Mental Capacity Act)
  • Principles for safeguarding vulnerable adults
  • Roles and responsibilities
  • Serious adult reviews
  • Sharing information
  • Preserving evidence in safeguarding cases
  • Prevent strategy
  • Online learning resources

The online safeguarding children training course covers the following:

  • An introduction to the fundamental principles of safeguarding children
  • Understanding why safeguarding children is important
  • The Human Rights of Children – The United Nation’s Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)
  • An understanding of what safeguarding children means
  • An awareness of crucial safeguarding children legislation
  • An understanding of the common terms used in safeguarding children
  • An understanding of the complex nature of child abuse
  • The ‘Toxic Trio’ about safeguarding children
  • An awareness of the main types of abuse in children and young people
  • Knowledge of the dangers of radicalisation of children and young people
  • An awareness of the dangers of child trafficking
  • An awareness of female genital mutilation (FGM) in girls and young women
  • Knowledge of the risks (to children and young people) from the internet and social networking sites
  • Emerging themes concerning child protection, safeguarding children and young people
  • Knowing what to do if a child or young person discloses abuse
  • Knowing what to do if you suspect child abuse
  • Understanding your responsibilities in protecting children and young adults from abuse
  • Where to find useful information and resources regarding the safeguarding of children (online child protection learning resources).

Course aims

The overall aim of this online Safeguarding Adults and Children training course is to improve awareness and knowledge relating to the safeguarding of vulnerable adults at risk, particularly in health care and social care settings. These online Safeguarding Adults and Children training courses meet the requirements of the Care Act 2014 and the CQC Common Induction Standards.

Safeguarding children and young people from harm and providing an environment in which children can flourish is a critical societal value. Children and young people have a right to be “protected from all forms of violence, abuse, neglect and bad treatment by their parents or anyone else who looks after them” (United Nations 1989). Organisations are required to co-operate with other agencies to protect individual children and young people from harm.

The importance of this has been powerfully highlighted as part of recent inquiries exploring child and young people safeguarding issues (Children’s Commissioner 2012).

Learning outcomes

On completion of these online Safeguarding Adults and Children training course, learners will be able to:

  • To prevent harm and reduce the risk of abuse or neglect to adults with care and support needs,
  • To safeguard individuals in a way that supports them in making choices and having control in how they choose to live their lives,
  • To promote outcomes-based approaches in safeguarding that works for people resulting in the best experience possible, and
  • To raise public awareness so that professionals, other staff and communities as a whole play their part in preventing, identifying and responding to abuse and neglect.

What does safeguarding mean for people who use care services?

Safeguarding children and promoting their welfare includes:

  • Protecting them from maltreatment or things that are bad for their health or development.
  • Making sure they grow up in circumstances that allow safe and effective care.

Safeguarding adults includes:

  • Protecting their rights to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect.
  • People and organisations working together to prevent the risk of abuse or neglect, and to stop them from happening.
  • Making sure people’s well-being is promoted, taking their views, wishes, feelings and beliefs into account.

 Why is online safeguarding adults and children training essential?

Safeguarding means protecting people’s health, well-being and human rights, and enabling them to live free from harm, abuse and neglect. It’s fundamental to high-quality health and social care.


Safeguarding Adults and Children | Level 2 | Online Training Course | CPDUK Accredited.