Blood Component Transfusion Training | Online CPD Course

£ 24.99

The aims and objectives of this online Blood Component Transfusion training course are to improve the awareness and competencies of healthcare professionals who administer blood and products in various clinical settings.


Blood Component Transfusion | Level 3 | Online Training Course | CPDUK Accredited | Instant Course Access | Includes Assessment & Certificate | Instant Certificate Download.

Welcome to our online Blood Component Transfusion training course (blood component transfusion) for front-line healthcare professionals.

Using blood and blood components is a standard therapeutic procedure in NHS and private hospitals. Blood transfusion, if used safely and appropriately, will improve the quality of life or be a life-saving treatment for many patients.

Doctors and nurses, in particular, have an essential role in a safe blood transfusion. Therefore, registered nurses must have sufficient knowledge of the situations, amounts and methods of using blood components, possible side effects and necessary care of those receiving blood transfusions.

Certificate duration: 2 years

Entry requirements: No entry restrictions

Recommended prerequisites: N/A

Assessment type: End of course assessment

Assessment pass mark – 80% needed to pass and gain a CPD certificate

Cost(s) of assessment and certification – All costs included in the course price

Awarding/Accrediting body – CPD Certification Service (CPDUK)

Who is the course for?

This online Blood Component Transfusion training course is primarily aimed at those healthcare staff who are not directly involved in blood sampling, the decision to transfuse, or administering blood transfusions. However, senior clinical staff, including specialist nurses and doctors, will also find this course beneficial.

Healthcare staff who are specifically involved in the clinical decisions related to the blood transfusion process will receive more specialised training, and this may include completing the individual NHS Trust or private hospital’s internal classroom training or e-learning. Speak to your line manager or learning and development lead if you think this applies to you.

What is covered in this course?

This online Blood Component Transfusion training course covers the following:

  • The different blood groups and why people must get the correct blood group in a blood transfusion,
  • Different types of blood products and their purposes,
    • The purpose of a red cell transfusion, platelet transfusion and a Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP) transfusion,
    • ABO and the Rh D blood groups.
  • How a patient’s blood group is determined,
  • The difference between a group and screen sample and a crossmatch sample,
  • The correct process of labelling blood samples,
  • Why blood transfusions are sometimes clinically necessary,
  • The risks and benefits associated with blood transfusions,
  • Alternatives to blood transfusions – for example, oral iron tablets,
  • The concerns patients may have about receiving a blood transfusion,
  • The importance of gaining the patient’s consent for a blood transfusion and the reasons why some patients may refuse this treatment,
  • The process associated with blood transfusion, including:
    • Blood sample collection,
    • The correct procedure of collection and transportation of blood components,
    • Collecting a blood bag from the blood storage point,
    • Safety checks,
    • Blood product administration to a patient,
    • Critical checks clinical staff must make and why they are required,
    • The equipment needed for a blood transfusion.
  • The safe process for the administration of different blood components,
  • Potential adverse reactions to a blood transfusion,
  • The risks of blood transfusion, including severe allergic reactions,
  • Managing risks related to blood transfusions,
  • Documentation about blood component transfusion.

Course aims

The aims and objectives of this online Blood Component Transfusion training course are to improve the awareness and competencies of healthcare professionals who administer blood and products in various clinical settings.

Learning outcomes

On completion of this online Blood Component Transfusion training course, the learner will:

  • Know the different blood groups,
  • Understand why blood transfusions are clinically necessary,
  • Know the risks and benefits associated with blood transfusions,
  • Know the alternative treatments available if the patient refuses a blood transfusion,
  • Know the potential adverse side effects and the things all healthcare staff should be aware of when caring for someone who has had a blood transfusion,
  • Have an understanding of the critical checks clinical staff have to take before, during and after administering a blood transfusion.

What is blood transfusion?

Blood transfusion is generally the process of receiving blood or blood products into one’s circulation intravenously. Transfusions are used for various medical conditions to replace lost components of the blood.

Why is Blood Component Transfusion training important?

Using blood and blood components is a standard therapeutic procedure in NHS and private hospitals. Blood transfusion, if used safely and appropriately, will improve the quality of life or be a life-saving treatment for many patients. Doctors and nurses, in particular, have an essential role in a safe blood transfusion. Therefore, nurses must have sufficient knowledge of situations, amount and methods of using blood components, possible side effects and necessary cares.

Blood Component Transfusion | Level 3 | Online Training Course | CPDUK Accredited.